Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Letters from Docile and Loving Authoritarian Clowns
Here we go again...
A leader of an authoritarian country is now making overtures to indicate to the world press that he is "open to dialog and cooperation." The nutcase leader of Iran is now following the same story line of Saddam Hussein and his story may indeed have a similar ending (one can only hope).
What's classic about his little propaganda spiel is his insistence that liberal "Western Style" (as if there's another kind) Democracy has, "not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity." -- Oh really. And what exactly would those "ideals" be?
The great majority of humankind through most of its existence has lived in conditions of cruel harsh destitution. What today is called "poverty" was the common lot of most people through most of human history. It has been individual freedom and initiative in the context of open pluralistic government and free economic activity that has caused humankind to emerge from its caves and swamps.
The current Iranian leader's take on the world is no different than his kindred spirits among the numerous varieties of socialism (statism) that have existed through history. Fascists, Nazis, Communists, and I dare say more than a few "progressives," despise any society that allows its citizen a maximum degree of autonomy and free expression.
The sad thing about Ahmadinejad's letter to President Bush is that many will see it as a legitimate peaceful gesture (from a guy who has said that Israel should be "wiped off the map"). Soon the international communication venues will be clogged with comments on how evil Bush was for not addressing the great points made in the Iranian "leader's" comments.
Ahmadinejad ultimately doesn't have anything to say that hasn't already been said before by; Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Castro, Hugo Chavez, or many American College professors.
Who are Iran's friends; China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.
Who are America's friends; Australia, England, Japan,... to name a few.
Does anyone still abide by the idea that one can judge another by the friends they keep (or at least get along well with)?
Ahmadinejad is correct on one of his observations regarding "an ever-increasing global hatred of the American government." Indeed, many (notably including citizens of democratic countries) today have little problem with nuke developing tyrannies and one-party dictatorships, and continually developing hatred for a country most noted for fast food franchises and movies.
This will unfortunately continue to be so as long as public opinion is molded by the spoiled brat mentality of many college campuses, public school classrooms, entertainment, and "journalism."
There is now a fully emerged contest between authoritarian collectivist statism and open and free society and, as usual, the intellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals are siding with the dictators.
-- Pathetic.